Archive for ‘January, 2023’

Winner ! – 2022 Signature Art Prize – (film and photography category)

For three years in a row, my work has been shortlisted for the Signature Art Prize and screened at the gala event in London. In 2020 Passing Trade was selected, in 2021, Procession was selected and it was third time lucky this year as Terminal was selected for the finalist exhibition and was then chosen as the winning piece in the film and photography category.  It has been quite a year for this film having appeared at numerous film festivals and exhibitions both in the UK and abroad.

Pictures from the picket line

I was recently asked by Unison to cover their picket lines in Bristol. The weather was wet, windy and cold but everyone was in good spirits and there was a lot of public support for the strikers.

It normally takes an hour or two after a shoot to edit and send the pictures. To speed things up, I took a few pictures on my phone which could be published on social media immediately as the story was unfolding.

Some of the images taken on the day can be seen on here the Unison website.

Over the years, I have done a lot of trade union photography and worked for most unions including; UNISON, Unite, GMB, PCS, CWU, ASLEF, RMT.  The range of work I have done for unions includes conferences, issues and campaigns, there are some more examples here.

I am also a member of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the University and College Union (UCU).




