Posts tagged ‘Cow’

Business overview web video

This short public relations web video shows the  making of Marshfield Farm Ice Cream, from cow to cone. Web videos are a great way to provide important information about your product or service to your audience. Online video can explain a complex process without the need for text. It has also been shown to improve search engine rankings.


Say Cheese! – West Country agricultural photography

I was recently sent to do some agricultural photography for a magazine on a dairy farm in the West Country. Cows are very inquisitive animals and once they know you are friendly they soon start sniffing around you with their wet slobbery mouths. As I got down to taking photographs I made the mistake of leaving my camera bag slightly open for a few minutes only to return to find a camera and a couple of lenses coated in a thick layer of cow drool. After wiping of the worst of the slobber I managed to get a ‘portrait’ of this beauty.

Say Cheese!
